AGS Produces Camping, Glamping and Travel Guide to Missouri

AGS has produced a camping, glamping and travel guide to Missouri, which is also available digitally through, according to a press release. “We’ve produced 40,000 copies of the guide, which...


AGS Study Notes Guest Guides Help Extend Camper Stays

The products and services that are promoted in AGS Guest Guides are both improving and extending guest stays, according to a recent survey of over 4,800 RVers. Fifty-eight percent of survey...


I Think We Need Some Major Sucking Up!

While my title is just a line from the movie Pretty Woman, I think it applies to the camping industry right now. We know that manufacturers and dealers are not...


Now Isn’t the Time to Ignore the Competition

One of the hats we wear around here is managing the Texas Association of Campground Owners (TACO). TACO has 400-plus member campgrounds in Texas and a handful in bordering states. Overall,...


‘2023 Alaska RV & Camping Guide’, produced by AGS, is Now Available

Efforts to promote camping in Alaska have stepped up in recent weeks with the publication of the 2023 Alaska RV & Camping Guide, which is being distributed at RV shows...


‘AGS Cares’ Has Donated Over $1.5M in Last Decade

AGS Guest Guides has experienced double-digit growth again in 2022, continuing to expand the customer base since it was acquired from Good Sam Enterprises, LLC by Texas Advertising in 2011,...


AGS Survey Notes Strength of Printed Guest Guides

Campers are increasingly using AGS Guest Guides to identify products and services that improve or even extend their stays, according to a recent survey of 1,200 RVers. AGS noted in a...


AGS Set to Tout Benefit of Guest Guides This Fall

Most campers find that AGS guest guides not only enhance their current camping experience but serve as an important resource they’ll hang on to even after they’ve left the...


AGS satisfies a 44% jump in demand for printed campground guides , while becoming carbon neutral

AGS continues to see record demand for its guest guides with a 44% increase in demand for its printed guest guides for campgrounds, RV parks and resorts across the U.S.,...


Are You an RV Park, Campground or Resort?

With the influx of cash coming into the campground industry, accommodations are getting bigger, with more things to do on-site than ever before. Now, when you hear of a...