September 2012: AGS Client Marketing Newsletter

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Welcome to the NEW AGS!
If you’re receiving this newsletter, you’re a valued customer of AGS, TXAD Internet Services or both! As you probably know, AGS Guest Guide and Internet Services was purchased in June 2011 by Texas Advertising. Since the combined organizations have over 50 years experience in the industry, this newsletter is meant to provide FREE marketing information to our clients, both new and existing, so you can improve your bottom line. You’ll be hearing from us regularly on the latest and greatest in print and internet services to increase your business. We’d love to hear your thoughts or help you with your questions so don’t hesitate to give us a call, toll-free at 877-518-1989 or email us, 

Being in the hospitality business is truly a unique experience. From customers in your RV park to your employees, loyalty is everything. Here at AGS, it’s especially important which is why we developed our Loyalty Program for our qualified parks. By allowing AGS to come back to your park again and again, while building your guide, you’re entitled to receive a credit of $250 to $500 towards any of our marketing services! From blogging to post cards and everything in between. 

But that’s not everything loyalty will get you with AGS. By being loyal to the advertisers that make it possible to produce your guest services guide, you can insure a bigger guide with even more pages! Allowing advertisers to promote themselves in your front office, in addition to your guest guide, is a great way to honor the same loyalty that the advertiser is showing your business. On the same token, allowing other businesses, that don’t advertise in your guide, to promote their services in your park for free is confusing and a bit upsetting to those advertisers who made it possible to receive your free guides. It would be no different than if your park sold propane but another propane dealer wanted to advertise their services in your park. It’s not fair and encourages your patrons to support vendors other than those that support your business. 

To learn more about AGS products, visit the new or call 877-518-1989 today!

Change your password!
Have you ever gotten the email from a friend or family member demanding your bank account number because they’re in danger (in some foreign country!) and need help right away? You may wonder ‘Why don’t they just call me?’ Well, that’s because it probably wasn’t your friend or family member asking that information. It was a spammer who was able to hack into your friend’s email and send that message to all their contacts. 

If your email is ever compromised, you will need to assure everyone that you’re fine and you’ll need to change your password. However, instead of changing it from ‘password1’ to ‘password2’, TXAD Internet Sevices advises all of its clients to use, not only numbers, but symbols as well to make it that much harder for hackers. Additionally, try to use different passwords for different websites. That way, if a hacker just happens to hit on one of your passwords he won’t have access to your entire kingdom!

If you have any questions about internet security or other concerns, call us. If you need a new website design or would like TXAD to host your existing website or simply provide you a free website evaluation, please visit You can also contact our website director Seth Morris at or toll-free at 877-518-1989.