July 2012: AGS Client Marketing Newsletter
Welcome to the NEW AGS!
If you’re receiving this newsletter, you’re a valued customer of AGS, TXAD Internet Services or both! As you probably know, AGS Guest Guide and Internet Services was purchased in June 2011 by Texas Advertising. Since the combined organizations have over 50 years experience in the industry, this newsletter is meant to provide FREE marketing information to our clients, both new and existing, so you can improve your bottom line. You’ll be hearing from us regularly on the latest and greatest in print and internet services to increase your business. We’d love to hear your thoughts or help you with your questions so don’t hesitate to give us a call, toll-free at 877-518-1989 or email us, info@texasadvertising.net.
What do you do with your old guest services guides?
It happens to every client. The new directory is delivered and ready to be put in use but the park still has a few of their previous guest directories left. What is the park to do? Hand out the balance until they run out? Then the advertisers responsible for funding this years edition get delayed.
There are, in fact, several ways to keep your advertisers for this year happy along with utilizing your previous guides and even enlarging your advertising reach. There are tourism-oriented organizations in every town that welcome information about local merchants including your local CVB (Convetion and Visitors Bureau) or Chamber of Commerce. These are responsible for directing many people visiting an area for the first time and welcome the opportunity to direct them to your business.
To see more of AGS, visit www.AGSPub.com or call 877-518-1989 today!
Website Navigation
Most small businesses know how vital it is to be online and have an online presence. That may be through websites, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media online based website profile.
One aspect to any website is the navigation. The Navigation of a website is just as important as a compass is to a sailor. The navigation is the skill or science in which the designer uses to apply to a web site that helps visitors move from one page to another in an effective manor. This can ultimately be the difference between a visitor staying or leaving the website. It is extremely important for a visitor to find what they are looking for in just a few clicks and within viewing range. The more confused a user is the less likely they will be to stay on the page very long. We take the time to make sure the clients navigation is set up in the most effective way possible for success.
The intuitiveness of the website is based upon the content of the site and how it flows and delivers the message portrayed. When a website is organized properly the website will just flow to the user, allowing them to get the information they need quicker and more effectively. The website will leave the customer happy with what they are reading and get that “good vibe” about your business which will in turn, turn into “happy customers” who you hope to return to your place of business.
The aesthetic appeal of a website is one of the most important attributes a website can have. Catching the eye of the website viewer and drawing them into your business is very important. Also catching the eye in a non-distractive way is the other part to an aesthetically appealing website. When a customer signs on to the website and there is clutter and confusion on the website, the user is most likely going to move on to the next resort, campsite or business they were been searching for in the first place. When the website is inviting and “catchy” the user is most likely to stay around and search a little more through the website for more information.
Most important of all is “asking for the order” or in the case of a campground, “getting a reservation.” So make sure the opportunity to book online along with your contact information is a part of every page and your navigation scheme.
If you need a new website design or would like TXAD to host your existing website or even provide you a free website evaluation, please visit www.TXADInternet.com. You can also contact website director Seth Morris at sethm@texasadvertising.net or at 877-518-1989.